Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Difference of Interpretation

A man who denies cardinal tenets of the Christian faith under guise of 'difference of interpretation' is essentially a dishonest liar and deceiver. This ceases to be a matter of 'interpretation,' and becomes a matter of raw unbelief.

-Kenneth Good, God's Blueprint for Church

Saturday, June 6, 2009


AAA estimates the ‘average cost of owning a car in the U.S.’ is $8410 annually.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Alan Keyes on Morality and Pulic Life

Without faith, without a sense of God in this universe, there is no ground for either decent human freedom or the determinations of right and wrong. Science can tell us what happens – it can tell us causes, materially, that makes things happens. But it cannot tell us whether what happened is right or wrong – whether it accords with the principle of good. That is something that we have to get from our experience as human beings who stand before the Principle of our existence – that is God Almighty. And learn from Him and from His Presence in our hearts and in our history what constitutes justice and what constitutes the true basis for right and wrong.

-Alan Keyes on Generations w/ Kevin Swanson

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

God's Presence; God's Purity

A sense of holy fear fell on those who were inside the body and also outside the body. It wasn't very long that all of Jerusalem was abuzz with this news: did you hear about the 2 people that dropped dead at the first church in Jerusalem. Those who were inside the church became very poignantly aware of the presence, the power, the purity, the holiness of God and fear came upon them. Who is this God with Whom we have to do? Who is this God Who searches our hearts in a way that He can penetrate into the heart and even strike us dead? Then those on the outside were saying: Wow - did you hear about that? That is not a group of people to be messed with! How strange that what we want to be known for today is not the place where the awesome power of God is but where we get free donuts?! There was a reputation that the church had in the community and it wasn't the place where there was fun and games. It wasn't the place with the slickest multi-media presentation; it wasn't the place with the greatest rock-n-roll music; it was a place where God dwelt with power and holiness and the fear of the Lord was present.

-Brian Borgman, in a sermon about Ananias and Saphira

Tuesday, June 2, 2009