Sunday, October 4, 2009

True North

How many times have you heard this one? "The Bible isn't a textbook of ..." If this is true, then just how, specifically and concretely, does it provide answers for life's problems? Either it answers real-life problems, or it doesn't.
In short: Does the Bible make a difference?

Let's put it another way. If a mass revival at last hits this nation, and if millions of people are regenerated by God's grace through faith in the saving work of Jesus Christ at Calvary, will this change be visible in the way new converts run their lives? Will their politics change, their business dealings change, heir families change, their family budgets change, and their church membership change?
In short: Will conversion make a visible difference in our personal lives? If not, why not?
Second, 2 or 3 years later, will Congress be voting for a different kind of defense policy, foreign relations policy, environmental policy, immigration policy, monetary policy, and so forth? Will the Federal budget change? If not, why not?
In short: Will conversion to Christ make a visible difference in our civilization? If not, why not?

- Gary North, What are Biblical Blueprints? [photo:]

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