Thursday, September 13, 2007

'F' stands for 'Fuhrizzle'

The kind of Christianity that is being nurtured in our churches is one that does not have the sort of fiber to take people through the great conflicts of life… It’s a kind of Christianity that doesn’t see truth in any other terms than what is true for me or what is therapeutically beneficial for me. If I can see truth in those terms, I will believe it, but not in any other terms. But the fact of the matter is that Jesus called His followers to come after him and take up there cross. Those words trip lightly off our tongues but let us bear in mind the image. We are being invited to our own death. And in many parts of the world today, that has a quite literal meaning. And if not death, then imprisonment. And if not imprisonment, then serious, serious harassment. We have none of that in America. Our Christian faith that is therapeutic, and easy, and adjusted to the consumer, and offered on the consumer‘s terms. I just don‘t think it will take us through any crisis that might be coming down the road.

- David F. Wells in an interview w/ Desiring God ministries

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