Friday, October 12, 2007

Raising Spiritual Warriors

One time I called one of my sons who was a freshman in his dorm and I asked him, 'How are you doing with sexual purity?' He said, 'Dad, I'll call you back.' And what had happened was that on the floor of his freshman dorm, he walked down the hall and said, 'What's goin on?' And a really attractive young woman said, 'Depends on what you want. Do you want to get drunk, do you want to get stoned, or do you want to blankety-blank?' And see, she was ready for all three, he said. All she needed was a time and a place and she'd be there with me. And see, a Christian kid dissolves and falls apart with that. There's only one kind of person who will survive, not a good church-goer, not a Christian kid - only a soldier will be able to stand that kind of a battle. I said, 'What did you do?' He said, 'I did what you did. I did what Joseph did. I walked away. And I'm calling you now for accountability because, dad, she was good lookin. And I don't want to nurse this, I don't want to think about it. I want to confess it to you then ask me about it next week. I don't want to go there.'

- Phil Downer, author of A Father's Reward

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