Today is the 36th anniversary of the abhorant Supreme Court decision to legalize the slaughter of the unwanted unborn. Since then, the blood has risen past the horse's bridle. And sadly it gets worse. Geron Corporation announced today that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved a privately funded study in which human embryonic stem cells will be transplanted into subjects with spinal cord injuries. I thought the opening lines of Mark Carlton's Prayer for the New President rang chillingly true:
Father, Never in the history of American politics have so many celebrated a man who has accomplished so little. But I cannot join the celebration. For me this is a sad and depressing day, not just because of my misgivings about the man who will be our president, but because of the part your people have played in elevating this man to the throne.
Lord, much has been made of the proximity of President Obama’s inauguration to Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday, and yet few have noticed that it comes just two days before the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision. But you, no doubt remember. You have been hearing the silent screams of the unborn ever since.
Father, I grieve the fact that so many of your people found an excuse to tune out the silent screams of over 50 million innocent unborn that have been sacrificed on the altar of convenience since January 22, 1973.
I grieve that so many who call themselves Christians, many of whom will be raising their hands in worship this next week, have, chosen to cooperate with evil. ...
Father, Never in the history of American politics have so many celebrated a man who has accomplished so little. But I cannot join the celebration. For me this is a sad and depressing day, not just because of my misgivings about the man who will be our president, but because of the part your people have played in elevating this man to the throne.
Lord, much has been made of the proximity of President Obama’s inauguration to Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday, and yet few have noticed that it comes just two days before the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision. But you, no doubt remember. You have been hearing the silent screams of the unborn ever since.
Father, I grieve the fact that so many of your people found an excuse to tune out the silent screams of over 50 million innocent unborn that have been sacrificed on the altar of convenience since January 22, 1973.
I grieve that so many who call themselves Christians, many of whom will be raising their hands in worship this next week, have, chosen to cooperate with evil. ...
I think I remember that Obama quote? It was said during a news interview or something like that. It's so crazy to witness almost first hand, the lostness of man; that a guy could so easily advocate the murder of babies, and the world smile along with him saying "right on!"
I find it frightening to be an American.
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