Thursday, August 23, 2012

Memory Project #2: Ephesians

Since moving 1000 miles, I have temporarily set aside the memorization of Romans [but only temporarily] and have substituted a more manageable and timely goal: Ephesians.

It is more manageable because, unlike the mammoth 433 verses/9,495 words of Romans, Paul's letter to the Saints at Ephesus is a trim 155;  3,012 words in NKJV, or 3,014 in the ESV [~2,422 in Greek].  It can be read aloud or recited in under twenty minutes.

It is more timely because I have returned to teaching and am heading up a Sr Elective Bible class on Ephesians and Ethics at Rocky Bayou Christian School here in Niceville, FL.  The whole class [16 students + me] are going to be memorizing it this year.  The sooner I get to it the better.  I'll try to provide updates as I go.


AdoptedSon said...

Ben -
good choice :)

Side note: Beth has Ephesians Ch 1 down and is working on Ch 2 now. She's good at this stuff.

If you ever want to memorize something together I'd be happy to try to keep up with you - my successful memory work has for the most part been in conjunction with someone else to help keep me on track.

God Bless Bro!

Tea Lady said...

Good for you all to do that project as a class! Which translation are you all using? As I memorized portions of it in the NASB, ah, over the decades, I thought that I'd stick with it. I started at the beginning of this year, got through almost the end of chapter 2, and got derailed. Accountability really helps! My little study group is starting Ephesians in September, so I'll have a couple of people to keep me on track!