Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Straight shooting from Michael Horton

When asked What does your movement, speaking generally, fail to see that it ought to see? Michael Horton answers, "I think we have failed to see that emotional summer-camp experiences cannot sustain a robust faith through the trials of real life. So, ironically, while Evangelicalism celebrates reaching the lost, it is losing the reached. He continues. "The gospel is never an 'of course.' it is always surprising, counterintuitive, even offensive--even to life-long Christians. Taking the gospel for granted or confusing it with our own political, social, moral, and cultural campaigns is seriously weakening the church's life and testimony today."

1 comment:

Peter John Anselmo said...

This was Christianities straight elixir in my mind for years when I was a Young-life “leader”. I was so pragmatic with ministry. I find myself still repenting for what-ever-works attitudes I had just a couple years ago.

Mike Horton is right on!