Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Real Difference Between Cats and Dogs

I’ve been told the difference between cats and dogs is that a dog looks at his master and says, ‘Wow, he gives me food, gives me toys, plays with me, he grooms me … he must be a god.’  And a cat looks at his master and says, ‘Wow, he gives me food, he gives me toys, he plays with me, he grooms me … I must be a god.’ 

Surrounded by a super-abundance of choices very few of us feel like dogs.  We don’t feel humble that we live in a world where things have been taken care of us this way, we tend to feel empowered … whether or not we actually are.  We don’t regard the people who provide us with those choices as special and worthy, we feel that we’re special and worthy to be addressed so deliberately, so earnestly, and so creatively. 

-Ken Myers, Electronic Media and Restless Souls

1 comment:

AdoptedSon said...

May we never be cats. This is funny and insightful. I always knew there was a reason I liked dogs over cats.