Thursday, October 6, 2011

Remember Tyndale ...

Today is the day many in the Church remember the life and work of William Tyndale.  He died on this day in 1536.

A lot has been made of the King James Version of the Bible this year, but if you're like me, you haven't heard or thought much about this dear saint.  Below are a few of the phrases we take for granted, that originated with him:

Jehovah (from a transliterated Hebrew construction in the Old Testament; composed from the Tetragrammaton YHWH.

Passover (as the name for the Jewish holiday, Pesach or Pesah)

scapegoat (the goat that bears the sins and iniquities of the people in Leviticus, Chapter 16)

Coinage of the word atonement (a concatenation of the words 'At One' to describe Christ's work of restoring a good relationship—a reconciliation—between God and people)[25] is also sometimes ascribed to Tyndale.[26][27] However, the word was probably in use by at least 1513, before Tyndale's translation.[28][29] Similarly, sometimes Tyndale is said to have coined the term mercy seat.[30] While it is true that Tyndale introduced the word into English, mercy seat is more accurately a translation of Martin Luther's German Gnadenstuhl.[31]

As well as individual words, Tyndale also coined such familiar phrases as:

lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil

knock and it shall be opened unto you

twinkling of an eye (another translation from Luther)[30]

a moment in time

fashion not yourselves to the world

seek and you shall find

ask and it shall be given you

judge not that you not be judged

the word of God which liveth and lasteth forever

let there be light (Luther translated Genesis 1,3 as: Es werde Licht, which would be word for word translated: It will be light)

the powers that be

my brother's keeper

the salt of the earth

a law unto themselves

filthy lucre

it came to pass

gave up the ghost

the signs of the times

the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak (which is like Luthers translation of Mathew 26,41: der Geist ist willig, aber das Fleisch ist schwach; Wyclif for example translated it with: for the spirit is ready, but the flesh is sick.)

live and move and have our being

fight the good fight

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